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Chronicle: Greenscale's Blight

Type : Chronicle

Number of players : 2
Limit : 1 per day (reset at 5am server time)

House Aelfwar has managed to breach the prison containing their Blood Storm god, Greenscale. Shyla of the Guardians and Dacia of the Defiants have heedlessly rushed ahead in pursuit of personal demons, and you are sent on their heels to see that their actions do not unwittingly release Greenscale.

Epic (6)Rare (102)
Warrior (30)Cleric (19)Mage (25)Rogue (26)
Belt (9)Chest (5)Feet (3)Gloves (7)Helmet (7)Legs (7)Neck (11)Off Hand (1)One Hand (16)Ranged (5)Ring (12)Shoulders (8)Two Handed (6)

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