Сообщений в теме: my character are showing an error page
Сообщений: 2
Регистрация: 19.05.2013
Отправлено: 20.05.2013, 8:33
Magelo Sync shows it has been synced but still error page and when checking log it seems that everything did go well. except the Swedish files [sv] but it clearly says in log it has synced.
Magelo Sync log:
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Could not find: magelo-i18n [sv]
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Could not find: magelo-i18n [sv_SE]
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Using magelo-i18n[en]
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Magelo Sync 4.4.0, Copyright (C) 2013 Magelo Limited
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Windows 7 6.1 amd64
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Java version 1.7.0_10
[2013-05-20 14:27:56] Europe/Berlin, sv_SE, windows-1252
[2013-05-20 14:27:56]
[2013-05-20 14:27:57] Services initialisation ...
[2013-05-20 14:27:57] Automatic user authentification...
[2013-05-20 14:27:58] Game Slots : 1 free of 1
[2013-05-20 14:27:58] User : goonsquadx8 (PREMIUM)
[2013-05-20 14:27:58] Starting services...
[2013-05-20 14:27:58] Starting service : Content Synchronizer
[2013-05-20 14:27:58] Starting service : Deadlock Hunter
[2013-05-20 14:28:00] Starting service : Game session seeker
[2013-05-20 14:28:01] New game session detected : rift.exe[3592]
[2013-05-20 14:28:03] RIFT: Monitor started
[2013-05-20 14:28:03] Starting game monitor : RIFT 1.1.9
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] [Char] Step 1
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] [Char] Step 2
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] [Char] Step 3
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] [Char] Step 4
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] [Char] Step 5
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] Auto Synchronization triggered for 'Goonsquadx'
[2013-05-20 14:28:11] Syncing character 'Goonsquadx'
[2013-05-20 14:28:12] Automatic user authentification...
[2013-05-20 14:28:12] Game Slots : 1 free of 1
[2013-05-20 14:28:12] User : goonsquadx8 (PREMIUM)
[2013-05-20 14:28:12] Session reactivated, retrying...
[2013-05-20 14:28:13] Available game slots: 1
[2013-05-20 14:28:13] Sending game content to server...
[2013-05-20 14:28:13] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (RIFT 1.1.9) : 13
[2013-05-20 14:28:13] New detected game objects : 13
[2013-05-20 14:28:13] Game objects asked: 0
[2013-05-20 14:28:13] Sending observations
[2013-05-20 14:28:14] Goonsquadx has been synced successfully!
[2013-05-20 14:28:14] Sending game content to server...
[2013-05-20 14:28:14] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (RIFT 1.1.9) : 13
[2013-05-20 14:28:14] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-05-20 14:28:18] Syncing character 'Goonsquadx'
[2013-05-20 14:28:18] Available game slots: 1
[2013-05-20 14:28:18] Sending game content to server...
[2013-05-20 14:28:18] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (RIFT 1.1.9) : 13
[2013-05-20 14:28:18] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-05-20 14:28:18] Sending observations
[2013-05-20 14:28:19] Goonsquadx has been synced successfully!
[2013-05-20 14:28:58] Sending game content to server...
[2013-05-20 14:28:58] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (RIFT 1.1.9) : 13
[2013-05-20 14:28:58] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-05-20 14:28:58] Sending observations
[2013-05-20 14:28:58] 1 observations for GameMonitor (RIFT 1.1.9)
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Stoping services...
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Stoping service : Game session seeker
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Stoping game monitor : RIFT
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Auto Synchronization triggered for 'Goonsquadx'
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Syncing character 'Goonsquadx'
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Available game slots: 1
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Sending game content to server...
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (RIFT 1.1.9) : 13
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-05-20 14:29:18] Sending observations
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] Goonsquadx has been synced successfully!
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] Stoping service : Content Synchronizer
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] Sending game content to server...
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] Sending observations
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] Stoping service : Deadlock Hunter
[2013-05-20 14:29:19] Closing Magelo Sync
Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 22.05.2013, 0:40
Thank you for your log goonsquadx8. We are looking into this issue and we will keep you posted.