> > > Magelo Sync hangs, errors on sync, hangs web site

Сообщений в теме: Magelo Sync hangs, errors on sync, hangs web site

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 24.11.2013, 16:08

I'm trying out Magelo Sync for the first time but haven't gotten it to run very successfully during the first 3 days of my 10-day trial. First it wasn't updated with Rift so I couldn't run it at all. Now it at least detects my characters but nothing else seems to work properly. The main reason I want to run it is to populate the database on the web site with mob/npc locations, etc, but perhaps it could be useful for me to keep track of all my characters (I have like 30-50 characters).

I run Magelo Sync on several computers, with two-three characters on each computer at any given time. I have a lot of alts that I switch between frequently, so each computer have about six to ten characters that I select for syncing in the Other tab.

Magelo Sync seems to be able to sync one or two characters partially once per day (seemingly at first launch) but then it hangs or fails with an error. The characters that do sync are listed as "unguilded" but they are all in the same guild.

1. Hangs
Often I can't shut down the app - nothing happens when clicking the X button in the top-right corner. I get no context menu when right-clicking on the icon in the task bar, so I can't select the Exit option there. The UI is frozen and I can't switch tabs.

2. Sync fails
Clicking Sync Now will always fail after a long time out (maybe a minute or two) and show an error message. I have all character selected in the Others tab.

3. Web site hangs
After trying to sync my characters with Magelo Sync, any account-specific section of the Magelo web site hangs and I can't access the Forums, My characters, etc, while being logged in. It seems to clear up after about a day, so the next day I can access all these sections again.

Сообщений: 11496
Регистрация: 04.05.2001
Отправлено: 24.11.2013, 20:20

Hi LegioIX,

Welome to Magelo and thanks for your feedback !
  1. I know where the culprit is and I will fix this very soon. The problem is even more apparent because you are multiboxing. I will fix this very soon.
  2. When the sync fails, please post your Magelo Sync log so we can identify the issue. You can display the log by pressing Ctrl + Shift + L when Magelo Sync window has the focus.
  3. That issue is new to me and must have been created recently by some changes I made. I never encountered it myself. I will investigate and keep you posted.

Right now I am in holidays traveling, will be back on the 29th to have a serious look at all your issues.

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 01.12.2013, 1:28

Please keep me posted in this thread. I just noticed I can access the web site again, but I won't try the Magelo Sync client again until I hear an "all clear" in this thread (my account would probably be bugged out again).

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 13.12.2013, 14:26

Any update on these issues?

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 18.12.2013, 14:36

Is there any ETA on a fix for the client hangs and sync issues?

The Magelo database is missing out on a ton of information that I'd like to upload while I level up new characters.

Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 19.12.2013, 20:52

Sorry we did not get back to you before LegiolX. Jelan will give you some news later today.

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 21.12.2013, 2:30

I haven't heard anything from Jelan, but I tried Magelo Sync again today and I didn't encounter any of these issues at all today - for the first time!

I played 40 of my characters and they all synced fine and the client didn't hang or crash at all.

The only issue I noticed was that the guild page doesn't properly show all characters as "updated" - a few characters show as "updated 26 days ago". All those characters are updated on the "My characters" page though.

I assume this means that all/any of my updates were properly uploaded to the Magelo database (which is my main reason to run the client), but there doesn't seem to be any way of verifying that anything in the database got updated. I think I heard an idea about having a web page tab with "My discoveries", or something, that would show what you've updated the database with? This sounds like a great idea to me, and would probably encourage a lot more users to run the client to update the database - giving them a sense that they're actually contributing.

Haha, perhaps have a Magelo Achievement system for new discoveries? You could even have stuff like - if a user gets 1000 Magelo achievement points, you get one month free Premium, etc. (Though this would be phase 2 - first just let users see what they've contributed to the database to begin with...)

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 01.01.2014, 2:48

Nope, it was just luck that it worked before for me. About a week ago the client hung again on half of my computers and my Magelo web account info froze again - where all account-specific pages fail to load in the web browser and I have not been able to update this thread until today.

So these problems are still preventing me from using Magelo.

Сообщений: 11496
Регистрация: 04.05.2001
Отправлено: 01.01.2014, 12:19

Hi LegioIX,

Thanks for your continued feedback on this matter. To better understand how you are able to create the deadlock (which is essentially what you are doing...) can you tell me more about your setup..
  1. On how many computers is Magelo Sync running at the same time ?
  2. Are you multi boxing ? (So Magelo Sync would monitor more than one game instance per computer)
  3. How are you syncing your toons ? Did you turn the auto sync on or are you manually clicking the sync button ?
  4. Have you tried to run Magelo Sync on a single computer with a single Rift instance ? If so are you able to successfully sync your toon without locking you out of the website ?

Thanks !

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 01.01.2014, 19:13

1. Four computers, each computer running two or three instances at the same time. Ten accounts in total. I switch characters a lot and have synced about 41 different characters to my Magelo account.

2. Yes.

3. Auto-sync is on.

4. No, I never play just one character.

Сообщений: 11496
Регистрация: 04.05.2001
Отправлено: 02.01.2014, 8:02

Thanks for the info LegioIX.

We have updated a few things which might be enough to avoid the lock contention you are creating. Please give it another try when you can. If it still not enough, I will put some checkpoints so this does not happen anymore.

Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 22.11.2013
Отправлено: 03.01.2014, 5:23

Thank you Jelan, it seems this fixes (or at least works around) the account deadlock issue and I can now access the web site even if the client has problems. I noticed that all the characters I synced now shows up as "unguilded" on the web site (which is incorrect).

The client worked yesterday but I didn't do very much on any of my characters. Today I did more and the client stopped syncing pretty quickly. I had a look at the error.log and noticed that it seemed to stop syncing after an OutOfMemoryError. All four machines stopped syncing, but did not hang and I can still access the web site. All clients showed sync error messages after their timeouts.

There are 47 OOM errors in error.log on one of my machines, over about 5 hours of playing. Here's the first one:

[01:35:43] [SEVERE] Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at magelo.wp.a(wp.java:1)
at magelo.fo.a(fo.java:38)
at magelo.fo.a(fo.java:16)
at magelo.eo.a(eo.java:12)
at magelo.eo.a(eo.java:5)
at magelo.Rg2.Ra(Rg2.java:19)
at magelo.Rg2.Ra(Rg2.java:13)
at magelo.Rg2.Ra(Rg2.java:25)
at magelo.Rg2.a(Rg2.java:16)
at magelo.Rhq.Rb(Rhq.java:56)
at magelo.Rhq.Rb(Rhq.java:20)
at magelo.Rlq.Ra(Rlq.java:66)
at magelo.Rlq.Rc(Rlq.java:26)
at magelo.Rhq.Ra(Rhq.java:1)
at magelo.Rhq.Ra(Rhq.java:12)
at magelo.Rlq.Rj(Rlq.java:53)
at magelo.Rlq.Ra(Rlq.java:28)
at magelo.Rh7.Rb(Rh7.java:11)
at magelo.Rm7.Ra(Rm7.java:76)
at magelo.Rdq.i(Rdq.java:16)
at magelo.dt.a(dt.java:18)
at magelo.dt.run(dt.java:2)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)

Here's the second:

[02:16:39] [SEVERE] Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at magelo.fo.a(fo.java:7)
at magelo.fo.a(fo.java:16)
at magelo.eo.a(eo.java:12)
at magelo.eo.a(eo.java:5)
at magelo.Rg2.Ra(Rg2.java:19)
at magelo.Rg2.Ra(Rg2.java:13)
at magelo.Rg2.Ra(Rg2.java:25)
at magelo.Rg2.a(Rg2.java:16)
at magelo.Rhq.Rb(Rhq.java:56)
at magelo.Rhq.Rb(Rhq.java:20)
at magelo.Rlq.Ra(Rlq.java:66)
at magelo.Rlq.Rc(Rlq.java:26)
at magelo.Rhq.Ra(Rhq.java:1)
at magelo.Rhq.Ra(Rhq.java:12)
at magelo.Rlq.Rj(Rlq.java:53)
at magelo.Rlq.Ra(Rlq.java:28)
at magelo.Rh7.Rb(Rh7.java:11)
at magelo.Rm7.Ra(Rm7.java:76)
at magelo.Rdq.i(Rdq.java:16)
at magelo.dt.a(dt.java:18)
at magelo.dt.run(dt.java:2)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)

There are usually socket timeout errors after each one of these. E.g.:

[02:26:46] [SEVERE] Impossible de synchroniser les personnages
magelo.kx: 500: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
at magelo.td.b(td.java:44)
at magelo.ov.b(ov.java:29)
at magelo.nv.b(nv.java:13)
at magelo.mv.b(mv.java:9)
at magelo.yd.a(yd.java:33)
at magelo.yd.invoke(yd.java:9)
at $Proxy4.a(Unknown Source)
at magelo.ew.b(ew.java:5)
at magelo.xv.a(xv.java:6)
at magelo.jt.c(jt.java:127)
at magelo.ss.c(ss.java:18)
at magelo.ss.b(ss.java:10)
at magelo.jt.a(jt.java:77)
at magelo.Rdq.i(Rdq.java:295)
at magelo.dt.a(dt.java:18)
at magelo.dt.run(dt.java:2)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)