> > > Nightmare Tide Loot?

Сообщений в теме: Nightmare Tide Loot?

Сообщений: 2
Регистрация: 29.11.2012
Отправлено: 01.11.2014, 20:11

I'm curious on when NT gear will become available and searchable in the Magelo database - I see that the new crafting recipes are all listed, and link to the appropriate items, but there doesn't appear to be anything else. If I look under the items page, and search for gear with req level 61 - 65, nothing even comes up (not even the previously mentioned crafted gear) - is this because the gear isn't in the database yet, or is it just not showing up?

All of that said, I know some of the data on Magelo comes from users running the Sync application, which I plan to reinstall later tonight and keep running when I'm doing dungeons and such. Hopefully that will help fill out the item and drop information for a lot of gear. =)

Сообщений: 11496
Регистрация: 04.05.2001
Отправлено: 02.11.2014, 8:18


Yes new items are coming from the discovery files that Trion is providing. I just updated our database with the latest version that has been published just a few days back and some items start appearing:
> http://rift.magelo.com/en/items?k=61

Thanks in advance for running Magelo Sync, it will help a lot to link those items to where they are coming from as well as placing NPCs on the map among other things.

Сообщений: 2
Регистрация: 29.11.2012
Отправлено: 02.11.2014, 18:27

Excellent news - thank you!