Сообщений в теме: Sync not pulling character information
Сообщений: 3
Регистрация: 20.05.2015
Отправлено: 05.06.2015, 13:31
I am new to magelosync, I installed with little to no issues except for me running 64 bit, which i fixed. The problem is now that it will not pull my charater information, any help would be appreciated.
Сообщений: 1
Регистрация: 25.12.2012
Отправлено: 07.06.2015, 19:19
Having the same issue over here. Been sitting waiting to Magelo to sync for a while now and nothing. Tried to screen shot the message but can't insert/paste it in message.
Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 07.06.2015, 23:48
A Hotfix #10 has been applied at the end of last week and we need to update Magelo Sync. Rift is usually patched once a week, but last week it was twice.
Please keep an eye on the homepage news where we will post an update as soon as you can sync again.
Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 09.06.2015, 0:28
Magelo Sync has been updated! You can sync your characters now.
Сообщений: 1
Регистрация: 04.09.2015
Отправлено: 04.09.2015, 19:17
hello im having this problem as well. how long is it suposed to take? i had the 64 bit issue. then it was fixed and now the sync program runs but just says its trying to pick up logged in character..
Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 07.09.2015, 22:33
Hi Appocalypse,
Could you please try again to sync your character? Magelo Sync has been updated last Saturday. If it's not working again, press ctrl+shift+L when the error occurs. A window will open with the log of Magelo Sync and you can copy its content in your reply. Thank you