> > > New Notoriety view and Planar focus stats in the Profile

Сообщений в теме: New Notoriety view and Planar focus stats in the Profile

Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 20.10.2011, 7:27

Many improvements are in the pipe for the character Profile and we just patched the site yesterday to introduce few of them!

  • A new Notoriety view is now available in the profile to display your character notoriety per faction.
  • The planar focus stats are also now displayed in a tooltip on mouse over the icon.
  • Another tooltip also displayed on mouse over the guild link to get a guild summary.

A profile sample:

Since 1.5, many class mechanics have changed and we are currently working on reviewing all the statistics. It takes some time but it will be done hopefully before the end of the month with the free option to manually add and manage characters on Magelo.

Finally, if you happen to run the Chronicles or Сумрачные Пещеры (Мастер) (Мастер), don’t forget to launch Magelo Sync when you play to contribute to the database with a cool loot info

Don't hesitate to share your feedback in the forum. More new features will come soon so stay tuned!