Wonderfull now the sync program just loops with a dialog unable to sync character and continues this loop until you are forced to load taskmanager and end the process. It also still has the brorked dialogs.
Logging out of the game and back in does seem to allow the update to work but the annoying intial load of the program looping like that blows.
Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 28.10.2011, 5:34
We cannot reproduce the issue yet... could you please provide the log file of Magelo Sync? It will help us to better understand what is going on. Try to sync again and when the error appear, just press "ctrl + shift + L" when you have the focus on Magelo Sync to get the log. Then, copy its content in your reply.
Thanks Qanyena.
Сообщений: 83
Регистрация: 22.08.2011
Отправлено: 29.10.2011, 12:11
It may be an issue specific to you. I did not have that happen.
Сообщений: 9
Регистрация: 13.08.2011
Отправлено: 29.10.2011, 16:47
it fixed itself with the latest update. Also when I logged out of the game and back in it had stopped the continual loop
Сообщений: 4235
Регистрация: 08.02.2006
Отправлено: 29.10.2011, 23:12
Glad it's fixed. If it's happens again, please get us the log file of Magelo Sync