Отправлено: 02.01.2012, 4:30
Those who frequented the iTunes Store found a pleasant surprise Monday afternoon with the release of Rift Mobile as a free download for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Here is the description of Rift Mobile on the iTunes Mobile Store:
Keep your finger on the pulse of the living, breathing world of Telara with the new RIFT Mobile App. Coordinate with allies and guildmates, keep up with Zone Events, and even earn in-game loot on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The RIFT Mobile App comes packed with the following features, and it's absolutely free!
Trion has not released any information regarding this application. However, RIFT Executive Producer Scott Hartsman stated on the RIFT Forums that there will be more information forthcoming after the holidays. Below, we have screenshots of the app in action:
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