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Ilchorin's Favor

Level : 50

Zone : Lake of Solace

Start : Ilchorin

End : Ilchorin

Money : No value

XP : 6720

Ilchorin's Favor

Draw Endless Court members to Ilchorin as a sacrifice. Speak with Asha nearby in Fortune's Shore for any help on how you might draw them.


I will consider helping, but I demand a sacrifice: bring me those who pollute my water. These Endless Court dump the filth of their rituals into the waterfall, and my currents innocently spread it everywhere. Draw the profaners to me, and let me drink of their precious bodily fluids. I will leave it to you, [%RACE], clever as you are, to think of how you might draw them here.

Upon completion

I have had my vengeance, now I will provide the Priestess with the assistance she seeks.