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I'm Falling for Jule

Level : 50

Start : Landric Onrum

 Summerfest Merit Badge

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

I'm Falling for Jule

Jump through the glowing rings along the falls of Cape Jule. Yellow rings will grant you 1 point, green rings will grant 5 points. You'll need 20 to complete Landric Onrum's challenge.
  • Jump through glowing rings along the falls


Look at all of these waterfalls, I know you want to jump down, it's pretty tempting isn't it? Imagine how refreshing it'll be in this summer heat. Not enough for you? How about a challenge for making a splash? I'll give you 1 point for each yellow ring you jump through, and 5 for each green ring. Now get to it! Short of casting Ice Shield, it's the quickest way to cool off in this heat.

Upon completion

Congratulations, you have completed a part of the Scavenger Hunt! Here is your reward.