Discarded Supplies

Niveau : 7

Zone : Libremarche

Fin : Gretta Greene

Choisissez une de ces récompenses :
 Ceinture de mailles desserrée
 Ceinture cousue
 Ceinture de peau des Hautes-Terres
 Tassettes endurcies

Monnaie : 1 25

XP : 990

Discarded Supplies

Search the surrounding waters for Defiant Supplies and bring them back to Gretta Greene on Gray Sands.


By keeping close to the bomani, I was able to study their physiology to devise a weapon against them. I'd just received the supplies to build the device, when the bomani attacked, dumping everything into the sea. We need those Defiant Supplies back.


Perfect, you have the Defiant Supplies, and it doesn't appear the salt water has damaged them. It'll take but a few minutes to assemble the weapon.