Gold! Glorious Gold!

Уровень : 1

Зоны : Мерцающие Пески

Начинает : Капитан Белорей

Заканчивает : Капитан Белорей

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)
 Вечное кристальное прозрение

Деньги : Ничего не стоит

Опыт : 450

Gold! Glorious Gold!

Collect Molten Gold Ingot from earth or fire rift creatures and rifts that would grant experience for Captain Beloray.


Our coffers can always use help, [%NAME]! There is no such thing as too much gold when trying to prosecute a war. We've noticed that many of these vermin are carrying quantities of Molten Gold Ingots. Bring them to me and I'll make sure you are compensated.


Glory and gold for the Vigil, [%NAME]. You do us great honor. I'll take 500 Molten Gold Ingots from you when you're ready.