The Runemasters That Were

Уровень : 15

Зоны : Горы Лунной Тени

Начинает : Voradrin

Заканчивает : Voradrin

Изменения репутации :
+2000 Рунная стража

Деньги : 5 25

Опыт : 2280

The Runemasters That Were

Voradrin wants you to read about the history of The Runemasters.


In order to understand what it is to be The Arbiter, you must first understand the dwarf who bears that title. And to do that, [%NAME], you must first understand The Runemasters. Read the tome about my order; The Runemasters, and then you will begin to understand just who Voradrin, son of Caia, daughter of Skelt was.


As you can see, we Runemasters were entrusted with the critical task of keeping our people relevant in a world infused with so much magical energy. Though the mason's chisel and the craftsman's hammer are not to be denied their celebrated place in the achievements of my people, it is through magic and the runes that govern them that we ensure our sovereignty among the other races. It is not by axe or shield, nor armor or gun that we remain feared and respected, but through the power of the runes.