Exorcising Evil

Уровень : 50

Зоны : Обитель

Начинает : Сестра Беладонна

Заканчивает : Брендналл

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

 Иномирная праматерия

Деньги : 31 50

Опыт : 6720

Exorcising Evil

Sister Belladonna instructs you to collect a Corrupt Essence from the Harbinger of Alsbeth's death invaders. Exorcise the Corrupting Energy from the essence and return to Brendnall in Sanctum.


The Harbinger of Alsbeth's invaders are using Corrupted Essences to fortify their power. Please, [%NAME], find one of these Corrupted Essences, exorcise the corrupting energy within it, and return to me.


Well done, [%NAME]. The corruption within this essence has been purged. Now it is nothing more than a shiny stone. Perhaps my crafting friend will find a use for it. Thank you again, [%NAME]. Take this reward as a symbol of my gratitude.