Eyes On the Oculon

Уровень : 61

Зоны : Риф Гоборо

Начинает : Quintarus

Заканчивает : Quintarus

Выберите одну из следующих наград :
 Gloves of the Oculon Beholder
 Oculon Kote
 Beholder's Wraps
 Oculon Beholder's Gauntlets

Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Atragarians

Деньги : 1 24 93

Опыт : 368235

Eyes On the Oculon

Quintarus wants you to infiltrate the Bloodfire fleet, distract the invaders with explosions and assassinations, then sneak onto the Command Ship. Once aboard, disable the defenses and steal the source of their power.
  • Jump on sponges to access the Bloodfire ship decks
  • Destroy Grog Barrels, Pirate Cannons, Infernal Chains, and free Bound Atragarians
  • Use Cannons to destroy Defense Orbs
  • Access the Bloodfire Command Ship
  • Examine the Oculon
  • Defeat Captain Arzuran
  • Collect the Oculon


With the power to convert one elemental plane into another, Lady Glasya has proved to be the most present threat to Goboro. She means to flamescape Goboro Reef into her own version of the Plane of Fire. I am astounded that this is even possible, but I must believe my own senses. The cosmic implications of such a thing boggles my mind. The balance of the cosmos would tilt out of control; not only would Goboro be destroyed, but all mortal worlds, as well. We must uncover the source of this power.


I'm amazed, [%NAME], amazed and horrified. I thought you would only be able to observe this dread artifact, and yet you were able to capture it and bring it back. But now that I see it in person... It is far worse than I could imagine: a paradox. It is flame without being flame, artificial but organic, round with many sharp corners. I think it would be prudent to just destroy this. We have seen too many dreams of mortals that have come to ruin by thinking they can control an artifact of pure evil.