Beiträge: 4235
Registrieren: 09.02.06
Gesendet: 05.10.12, 13:14
Rift new expansion Storm Legion is coming soon and a Beta week-end will open tonight. Our Soul tree calculator is already ready for it!
You can try out new builds and discover the changes that will occur on your class. Please note that ability descriptions are not all correct, but even if the values are sometimes wrong, it should give you a good idea of the soul mechanics and how souls can play together.
Update: At the request of our friends at Trion, we have made the beta calculator private and available to those invited to the beta only. All the details are enclosed in this topic:
As soon as the NDA is lifted, we will make sure to make this public again.
Have a good week end everyone, and for those lucky to be in the beta, have fun ! (both on telara and with the calculator) !
Beiträge: 1
Registrieren: 23.11.11
Gesendet: 05.10.12, 17:04
As beta is still under NDA I would imagine this informations are a serious violation of the rules.
Maybe you guys activated a magelo news/page a tad to early?
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 05.10.12, 21:42
Yes maybe... I don't want to debate the NDA thing as one can download the beta game files from a torrent and data mine the information without being a Trion player or having agreed to any NDA whatsoever.
Regarding the timing, we are a month away from the public release, the beta is now open and open to a very large amount of people. Not everyone is in the beta but a very large chunk of the userbase is, so it's not like those new souls are a big secret anymore.
Now like we said before, as developers our selves, we respect the work of others and if the folks at Trion feels not comfortable with this, they just have to tell us and we will pull it off until the public release.
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 05.10.12, 23:24
The Beta calculator is now private and restricted to people who have access to the beta and therefore are under the NDA.
Beiträge: 1
Registrieren: 06.10.12
Gesendet: 06.10.12, 00:17
How do you access it if you are in beta?
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Beiträge: 2
Registrieren: 15.12.11
Gesendet: 17.10.12, 20:49
Since the new Soul Trees are already on the PTS, will the calculator be made available to all?
Or does the 1.11 soul tree differ from the expansion soul tree? If so, are we going to see a 1.11 calculator?