Nachrichten zum Thema: Ability to upload a discovery.log file?
Beiträge: 23
Registrieren: 10.10.11
Gesendet: 19.07.14, 20:11
Is there a page here on Magelo to upload a Rift Discovery.log file? I haven't been able to find one. Rift's DiscoveryLog been running for quite some time, and I haven't had magelo sync running for quite a while.
Beiträge: 4235
Registrieren: 09.02.06
Gesendet: 22.07.14, 09:28
Hi bctrainers,
We don't use the discovery.log file. The only way to update the database with your loot info, npc location,... is to run Magelo Sync while you play.