> > > Update the PvP gear for 65

Nachrichten zum Thema: Update the PvP gear for 65

Beiträge: 23
Registrieren: 27.05.14
Gesendet: 10.02.16, 17:11

I know Trion did a number on PvP gear, with a few different variations of each item. But a few constants do remain. All the gear from each class has the same upgrade path: Dreambreaker, Empowered Dreambreaker, Frenetic and Warmonger's. Each class also has only a finite number of modifications to the basic set as well, making about nine types of each item per set.

Currently, nothing in Magelo that I've found identifies this. Many items in a set don't show as having upgrade paths. Others have dead ends. Warmonger's really isn't even searchable except for one lonely piece. Frenetic isn't that great either. The Marauder Supply Cache doesn't even identify anything comes out of the box.

I would like to suggest updating the PvP gear somehow to show appropriately, or providing an explanation of what the options are for each item (similar for each class), how its upgraded and what the final outcome is.

I've been trying to parse it all out myself from the available data, but I'm not sure of the paths for some of it. For example, rings go from Dreambreaker > Frenetic > Warmonger's, but capes have Empowered in the chain. Helms apparently follow suit with rings, but I'm not sure if its just a bad parse or if empowered was removed for it.

Hopefully this all makes sense to you.

Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 29.03.16, 09:09

Hi aakaakaak,

We have update all our database and fixed quite a few issues also. You should be able to find all those new PVP items without much issue:

Empowered Dreambreaker:

As for upgrade paths, this information is collected with Magelo Sync. For each upgradeable item, we need someone to open the upgrade window to actually get the information.

Beiträge: 23
Registrieren: 27.05.14
Gesendet: 04.04.16, 16:03

Thanks Jelan!

That bug we discussed (Hepatitis on the rift forums) the other day still remains though:

Warmonger's Chest:
Selectable on paperdolls:

Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 06.04.16, 16:28

Do you have an example of a warmonger chest piece ? I want to check that such item is actually exported properly in the discovery files provided by Trion.

Beiträge: 23
Registrieren: 27.05.14
Gesendet: 30.09.16, 17:05

Sorry for the long hiatus.

Here's a screenshot of it:

And here's a search where it's still missing from the search database.

And here's just searching Warmonger (Warmonger's does the same thing.)