I wanted to add this to my own site. I run wordpress and phpbb. Which files do I need to edit to get this to work properly? I only know the basics of each one so I am not sure what each file is for.
I would rather have it work on wordpress then anything else, but both would be nice.
Beiträge: 4235
Registrieren: 09.02.06
Gesendet: 18.11.11, 06:20
Jodda, I am really sorry! I just realized we didn't reply to your message about the web tools.
In Wordpress or Phpbb, there should be a place where you can edit the footer of your site.
There, you can add the code we provide at the end of the page, just before the </body> tag.
Let me know how it goes.
Once again, I apologize from the behalf of the team.
I just sent you an email, please take a look to your mailbox
Beiträge: 5
Registrieren: 10.02.12
Gesendet: 11.02.12, 02:42
Hi, we use enjin.com, and it looks like its becoming increasingly popular. There is a way to put in a custom module, which is just a raw html page dropped in a frame (so can add tools to modules completely build from scratch), but in general we dont have the ability to access the templates or add anything outside the <body> tags. Ill post over there to ask them to work something out, but if you guys could do the same it would help out us and I think a lot of other guilds to. (assuming there's not already a way to do it that Im not aware of)
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 15.02.12, 18:46
It looks like the way to go as the method should be identical to adding Google Analytics tracking to your website and Enjin has an entry in their FAQ for that one. It is funny however that you can't add something to the template so you can control it in one place only... Could you please try and let me know how it goes? We can of course contact Enjin too.