Beiträge: 35
Registrieren: 07.07.10
Gesendet: 15.11.11, 14:27
as the admin of our guildsite (i know the layout sucks) I'm in the process of redesigning our site, and when I had a list of features I wanted to add, I found that many of those things are already included into Magelo or I'd need info from the Magelo database.
One way of getting the info, would be parsing the info from the magelo site into my database, which I would have to keep uptodate by parsing regularly and would not be nice, because I would rip off info from a cool website without their consent. So that option was out of the equation.
So I contacted support, and asked what they think about including an API for Magelo. To help them out I started this thread, to collect other users feedback to the issue, and maybe other cool ideas for the API.
What I had in mind, would be an API (preferably with simple URL calls) which allows access to the varios information stored in the Magelo database, like item/spell/recipe lists, guild rosters, etc. For me it would suffice to have calls to those menu options listed under "Database", which returns a complete listing, but something which could handle parameters to filter the return values would be very much appreciated.
Would any other users appreciate such an API? I for myself would be perfectly willing to go premium for such a feature (but ok, I probably will anyway) and maybe others would be too.
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 16.01.12, 19:43
Hey Roman,
About time I got back to you on this ! I am planning to both implement a guild roster API and an embeddable guild roster this week. As for the database itself, using our web tools, you should already have the foundation for many things. One thing that you could need however, maybe, is a name lookup api for the database.
If you can tell me more about your use cases, I could better picture what you want and how to best answer it.
Talk to you soon !
Beiträge: 35
Registrieren: 07.07.10
Gesendet: 18.01.12, 12:44
Hi Jelan,
Name Lookup API would be a cool start, but what would truly be awesome would be an API that could do things like (but not limited to) the following:
Fetch all recipes for [crafting skill]
Fetch all members of [guild]
Fetch bosses of [instance]
Basically something similar to the ZAM or WoW Armory APIs.
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 24.02.12, 04:20
Zam has an API to do such thing ?
The tricky thing about a game database API in our case is that it's not so easy to draw the line on where and how we should open the gate so to speak. But I will see what we can do.