> > > Icon request

Nachrichten zum Thema: Icon request

Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 19.01.12, 19:01

Hi! We are revamping our website and I would love to use the icons that you are using (maybe even that link or tool tip to your site) in a BIG way. Would you be so kind as to share a url (or http list with example icons so that we can use them for buttons, badges, medals, icon, etc. I would appreciate it a great deal!

We are already using some, but without the codes being listed with icon examples, it is taking us forever to find each one and incorporate them one by one.


Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 23.01.12, 02:18

Thanks for moving this to the right thread. Any word on this one yet?

Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 06.02.12, 18:58

Hi guys,

Any word on this by any chance?

Beiträge: 214
Registrieren: 20.11.11
Gesendet: 06.02.12, 23:50

Hi Keilana55,

I have forwarded your request up the food chain. You should hear back *soon*. This isn't exactly an everyday request and something we are considering very carefully.

Thank you very much for your patience, and for your interest in Magelo


Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 07.02.12, 01:52

Thanks for the response. Much appreciated.

Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 15.02.12, 19:36

I requested the same of GP, but they don't have the list that you have. They get theirs from a fan site and their icon list is no where near as complete, nice or accurate it seems. It looks like you guys are the "go to" people.

Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 24.02.12, 04:10

Hi Keilana,

Sorry for getting back to you on this that late... Could you give me an example of what you are looking for, I am not sure I fully understand what you are asking for and how you intend to use it ? If I better understand the full picture, I will be able to come up with the best answer to your problem

Beiträge: 3
Registrieren: 08.12.11
Gesendet: 25.02.12, 23:48

What an awesome idea! There's a gaming guild-host site that does this, but their icons for Rift are sub-par imo, and no tool-tips.

Best example I can think of is the "facebook" button. Everybody knows what the little blue box with the "f" is. If you hover over it, it usually says something like "Like this? Tell your friends!" When you click on it, it directs you to the Facebook homepage (I'm assuming clicking on a Magelo icon would take you to Magelo's Rift landing site), so it works like a breadcrumb advertisement for the site that provided the links.

For this use, she's asking for a list of HTML image codes, as well as the tool-tip hover-overs that you have on your website because she likes the way y'all do things. She would be able to use the icons & tooltips the same way you present them here on your site. The information can be manually lifted, but it's tedious and time-consuming, and not the nicest thing to do without permission.

To the OP: Did you try their existing tools section to see if you could get at least part of what you were looking for there?

Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 21.03.12, 21:54

I didn't notice your reply Jelan - so sorry. Not sure how I missed it. I check here every day - some times more than once.


Level 50!

Image -
Achievement -!

*For some reason, the icon will show on our GP guild website, but not here.

Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 16.04.12, 21:50

Friendly bump