Help the Injured - An Apothecary's Skills

Stufe : 15

Gebiet : Schimmersand

Start : Adept Dinoce

Ende : Adept Dinoce

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

Geld : 3 94

XP : 1710

Help the Injured - An Apothecary's Skills

Use the Traveling Alchemist's Kit at the Triage Station in Meridian to turn 5 Helium Blossoms into Eternal Bond Stitching Glue.


Would you mind helping me with the injured? I could really use the skills of an Apothecary. I need one to make Eternal Bond Stitching Glue to help the injured. Do you have the time to make one for us?


Thanks for the Eternal Bond Stitching Glue! I'm sure this supply won't last, so come back tomorrow if you want to keep helping me with the injured.

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