* Keenblade East: (3865, 4003)
* Keenblade West: (3733, 4080)
* Infested Range 1: (4078, 4274)
* Infested Range 2: (4046, 4260)
* Infested Range 3: (4002, 4240)
* Infested Range 4: (3973, 4205)
* Infested Range 5: (4032, 4207)
* Trollblight Caverns: (3256, 4492)
** Must run all the way through the cave system, past the hologram of Prince Hylas.
* Lord's Hall: (2864, 4338)
** You can go around the tree on the right side (2846, 4212) of the steps, and jump onto the ledge from there. Instead of having to go through the mobs.
* Blighted Pit: (3067, 3302)
* Shatterbone Hold: (3228, 3270)
* Timar Foothills Wight's Cave: (2648, 3786)
* Timar Foothills Broodmother's Cave: (3057, 3625)
* Timar Foothills Drake's Cave: (2852, 3569)
* Dreadfang's Cave: (2730, 3356)