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Ashoradly Dead

Points : 15

Zone : Ashora

Side :

xrayjonn - 7 years ago
these are the NINE I killed and their locations: Crimsontalon--2914-7359 Gloomspur--2418-8457 Harrel Rimesong--3076-7689 Lupo--3792-6521 Master Assassin Lokarg--2674-6548 Overseer Hk'Kttk--2778-7345 Sandblight--2128-8157 Terminator Sentinel--4489-6258 Yull--2049-5955
FlipperPA - 6 years ago
Waypoints for all: Crimsontalon /setwaypoint 2914, 7359 Gloomspur /setwaypoint 2418, 8457 Harrel Rimesong /setwaypoint 3076, 7689 Lupo /setwaypoint 3792, 6521 Master Assassin Lokarg /setwaypoint 2674, 6548 Overseer Hk'Kttk /setwaypoint 2778, 7345 Qarn /setwaypoint 2673, 6023 Ranger Fahrand /setwaypoint 2094, 7165 (Patrols around the lake) Reddik /setwaypoint 4260, 6731 Sandblight /setwaypoint 2128, 8157 Terminator Sentinel: /setwaypoint 4489, 6258 Terrorsting /setwaypoint 1951, 6443 Yull /setwaypoint 2049, 5955

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