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Nbr post: 1
Register: 11/13/14
Posted: 11/14/14, 4:01 PM

I created an account, installed Sync, Clicked on the advertisement to start a premium account, And have yet to get to use it since Sync has not been patched. I don't see anyone else complaining, or even posting much on your forums. Can you please update on when we should expect the patch? How long does this normally take? I would love to buy a subscription, but if I can only use it a couple days a week between patches, most of my paid subscription would be with a useless product. I still have a few day of my trial premium and I hope to get to use them, but I really need these questions answered before I purchase a paid premium account.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/18/14, 1:07 AM

Hi Dabouncer,

We usually patch within 24h of a game patch, if it takes more than 2 days, we indemnify all our premium users with extra days. We usually maintain a Magelo Sync status on the front page in the latest news and right now, Magelo Sync should be running just fine. Actually, it looks like you were able to sync your characters.

Let us know if you have any question and welcome to Magelo.