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Bugs Author Views Replies Last post
tottyboy 9065 1 2/3/14, 11:31 PM
By loulina 
question about adding tooltips to website
Twizm 12738 2 1/21/14, 1:09 AM
By Twizm 
wmgm 9091 2 1/13/14, 9:31 PM
By loulina 
Magelo Sync not working
Yelina 9862 2 11/23/13, 9:23 PM
By Jelan 
Rift Title Dangerously Delicious (suffix) not showing
TLC2012 11415 1 10/28/13, 1:00 AM
By loulina 
Gear missing on manual character edit
fiernaq 9399 4 10/22/13, 11:17 PM
By fiernaq 
Rift Soul Tree Calculator infos are wrong :)
Eleazar 14803 4 8/13/13, 1:49 PM
By Eleazar 
Missing Sync Items
PastDark 9809 1 7/14/13, 11:24 PM
By loulina 
Magelo sigs not working on RIFT forums
jhk511 10317 1 7/2/13, 11:14 PM
By loulina 
My Account --> Update Email
Metallizepp 9557 1 6/17/13, 11:13 PM
By Jelan 
WoW not supported?
aclorien 10114 2 11/12/12, 7:07 AM
By aclorien 
Unable to sync
Yornsky 10136 1 9/20/12, 1:18 AM
By Jelan 
cant sync my character
tigerspitinfire 11389 1 7/3/12, 4:01 AM
By loulina 
Not able to sync
jayzeli 9514 1 6/17/12, 4:17 PM
By loulina 
AGAIN Magelo not updating my character
saeleth 10346 1 5/17/12, 12:30 PM
By loulina