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Fetish of the Harbinger

Runebreakable : 376

Sell for : 6 1 77

Fetish of the Harbinger

Bind on pickup Off Hand Totem
Damage per second: 496.0 347-645 damage every 1.0 sec
Intelligence +244 Wisdom +165 Endurance +172 Hit +125 Spell Power +2117
Equip: Grants a chance for Crits with single target Healing and Absorb abilities, Lifebound Veil healing done to the Mage's Synthesis target, and a reduced chance with Area of Effect Heals, to heal for an additional 4155 health.
Item Level 675 Requires Level 65 Calling: Cleric Mage Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
This item can be upgraded into another item.
6 1 77
Dropped by: Chest
Reward from: Manifestation of Lord Arak
Zone: Nightmare Coast (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: 2%

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