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Cyclops Eye Gorget

Runebreakable : 226

Sell for : 24 16

Cyclops Eye Gorget

Neck Accessory
Strength +13 Dexterity +13 Endurance +20 Block +17 Hit +6 Resist All +63
Equip: Enchanted by Abyssal energies, you gain the power to breathe water.
Item Level 58 Requires Level 48 Calling: Warrior Rogue Runebreakable (Runecrafter 226)
24 16
Dropped by: Fireheart Abombination
Zone: Caduceus Rise (Master) (Master)
Drop rate: 2%
Dropped by: Golden Maw Privateer
Zone: Caduceus Rise (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: 1%