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Titans Axe of Slaying

Runebreakable : 301

Sell for : 1 60 42

Titans Axe of Slaying

Bind on equip Two Handed Two Handed Axe
Damage per second: 115.4 307-570 damage every 3.8 sec
Strength +57 Dexterity +47 Endurance +47 Attack Power +27 Hit +50
Item Level 110 Requires Level 50 Calling: Warrior Runebreakable (Runecrafter 301)
1 60 42
Dropped by: Kelrath Viloschia
Zone: Cape Jule
Drop rate: <1%
Dropped by: Sulfurous Monstrosity
Zone: City Core
Zone: Ardent Domain
Zone: Morban
Zone: Seratos
Zone: Ashora
Zone: Steppes of Infinity
Zone: Eastern Holdings
Zone: Kingsward
Zone: Cape Jule
Zone: Kingdom of Pelladane
Drop rate: <1%

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