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Recipe: Darkcloth Belt

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Recipe: Darkcloth Belt

Use: Teaches you how to create Darkcloth Belt
Requires Outfitter 300
Ingredients: Bolt of Spiritweave (6), Steeled Leather (2), Gilded Thread (2), Minor Catalyst (1), Eternal Planar Dust (2)
Item Level 1 1
Dropped by: Endless Sharpshooter
Zone: Foul Cascade (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: 1%
Dropped by: Spiteful Necrothrall
Zone: Foul Cascade (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: 1%
Merchant: Mongal Ultan
Zone: Meridian
Merchant: Gentri
Zone: Sanctum
Price: 4
Credits: 40


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