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Illuminated Sabre of Virtue

Runebreakable : 301

Sell for : 1 47 3

Illuminated Sabre of Virtue

Bind on equip One Hand Sword
Damage per second: 96.4 142-263 damage every 2.1 sec
Intelligence +35 Wisdom +42 Endurance +35 Hit +25 Spell Power +392 Spell Critical Hit +46
Item Level 150 Requires Level 53 Calling: Warrior Rogue Mage Runebreakable (Runecrafter 301)
1 47 3
Dropped by: Lethargic Hungerer
Zone: Seratos
Drop rate: 2%
Dropped by: Fetid Regenerator
Zone: Seratos
Drop rate: 1%


Beast (2)Undead (2)

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