Name | Level | Category | Zone | Drop rate |
Empowered Hive Drone | 60 | Planar | Ashora | 16% 1 of 6 |
Kaaz'Gfuu Warrior | 60 | Planar | The Dendrome | 7% 1 of 14 |
Firestorm Scout | 60 | Demihuman | Steppes of Infinity | 5% 1 of 19 |
Shaper Thrall | 52 | Undead | Ashora, Ardent Domain, Morban | 1% 1 of 67 |
Kr'chkk Hive Scourer | 60 | Planar | Ashora | < 1% 1 of 152 |
Storm Shrieker | 60 | Demihuman | Steppes of Infinity | < 1% 1 of 174 |
Deathstrike Scorpion | 60 | Beast | Ashora, Kingsward | < 1% 1 of 250 |
Suffering Ashoran | 60 | Undead | Ashora | < 1% 1 of 278 |
Storm Lasher | 60 | Demihuman | Steppes of Infinity, Morban | < 1% 1 of 296 |
Stormwrath Invader | 60 | Construct | Chronicle: A Hero Rises | < 1% 1 of 592 |
Desert Trampler | 60 | Beast | Ashora | < 1% 1 of 958 |
Awakened Golem | 60 | Construct | Duo -Queen Gambit, The Dendrome | < 1% 1 of 1157 |