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The Mythical Choker of the Abyssal Invader

Runebreakable : 376

Sell for : 1 73 84

The Mythical Choker of the Abyssal Invader

Bind on pickup Neck Accessory
Strength +93 Dexterity +93 Endurance +29 Attack Power +38 Hit +65 Resist All +192
'Buzzing with energy from the Plane of Water.'
Item Level 290 Requires Level 60 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
1 73 84
Dropped by: Abyssal Overseer
Zone: Intrepid: Drowned Halls
Drop rate: 25%
Dropped by: Ragetide Carbuncle
Zone: Intrepid: Drowned Halls
Drop rate: 18%


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