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Illustrious Thalasite Cutlass

Runebreakable : 376

Sell for : 27 4 75

Illustrious Thalasite Cutlass

Bind on pickup One Hand Sword
Damage per second: 620.5 912-1694 damage every 2.1 sec
Strength +163 Dexterity +188 Endurance +240 Dodge +100 Hit +125
Equip: Grants a chance when Dodging an attack to create a barrier that absorbs half of incoming damage up to 10439 damage for 5 seconds.
Requires Level 65 Calling: Warrior Rogue Mage Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
27 4 75
Upgraded from: Refined Thalasite Cutlass

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