Name | Level | Category | Zone | Drop rate |
Envoy of Gorvaht | 36 | Fae | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 258 |
Wandering Husk | 36 | Humanoid | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 274 |
Sobek Merethresher | 36 | Humanoid | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 593 |
Corrupted Rooter | 36 | Beast | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 1153 |
Bluntfang Shaman | 36 | Demihuman | Droughtlands, Freemarch | < 1% 1 of 1388 |
Savage Longtooth | 36 | Beast | Droughtlands | < 1% 1 of 1952 |