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Worse Than Death

Level : 51

Zone : Cape Jule

Start : Dame Mari Batici

End : Dame Tajlora Aurentis

Choose one of these rewards :
 Missionary's Ring
 Researcher's Ring
 Explorer's Ring
 Commando's Ring

Notoriety :
+625 The Lycini

Money : 87 10

XP : 111793

Worse Than Death

Dame Mari Batici wants you to go to the mysterious Cambium Loci and recover a fragment of the Auram construct.


Cambium Loci was where the ancient Brevanic scholars experimented with the form and shape of life itself. If something has unsealed it then that would explain what has afflicted the animals of the area. We can't let the Legion get their hands on Auram. Aside from the knowledge of the ancients it possesses, its ability to control elementals and empyrean mechanics would allow them to create an unstoppable army. Please, [%NAME], get to Cambium Loci, take Auram before the Legion does.

Upon completion

Invoking the powers of Cambium Loci will probably haunt us for years to come. From what happened to the Legion inside of it I don't want to think about what horrors the wildlife of the rainforest will become. But Dragas was too quick for us this time. She recovered a fragment of Auram and retreated to her base. We cannot let her take such empyrean power back to her masters in Stormhold.