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Screams Within

Level : 60

Zone : Tempest Bay

Start : Korvin Anders

End : Korvin Anders

Notoriety :
+1250 Torvan Hunters

Money : 86 76

XP : 103194

Screams Within

Korvin Anders wants you to use the Empyrean Stabilizer on a Planarch within a Great Hunt rift.


The Empyrean Stabilizer you found at the Envoy's camp is perplexing. I honestly have no idea what it does, but I can think of a quick way to find out. If you're willing to try a little field-testing, take the Empyrean Stabilizer and use it on a Planarch. Assuming it doesn't blow up in your face, return to me with your findings.

Upon completion

Torva? The Planarch acted as if it was speaking with Torva? What is this nonsense? Torva is dead. This sounds like the machinations of the Envoy.