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A Grave Celebration

Level : 60

Zone : Seratos

Start : The Overseer

End : Arlan Merkur

Choose one of these rewards :
 Burial Band
 Overseer's Gratitude
 Ring of Necropolis
 Hero's Band

Notoriety :
+400 Necropolis Caretakers

Money : 86 76

XP : 103194

A Grave Celebration

Inform the leaders of Necropolis of your victory against Kain and the Shapers.
  • Speak to Afforina Luza in the Chamber of Preparation in Necropolis
  • Speak to Commander Tharan in the Necropolis training grounds


You have proven yourself a true hero of Dusken, [%Name], and all Necropolis knows it. Still, it would be good for some to hear it from your own lips. Please inform our city leaders of your success against our enemies.

Upon completion

[%Name], we've been through quite a lot together. When I first realized you were from the outside world, I knew things were going to change. I just never guessed how much! You will always be welcome in Necropolis, friend.