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Battle for the Bridge

Level : 59

Zone : Kingsward

Start : Princess Isabella

End : Prince Casimar

Choose one of these rewards :
 Dawnkeeper Greaves
 Dawnkeeper Leggings
 Dawnkeeper Legwraps
 Dawnkeeper Legguards

Notoriety :
+735 Eternal City Survivors

Money : 85 5

XP : 100009

Battle for the Bridge

Use your commander abilities to direct troops in the battle at the Halcyon Gates.
  • Advance to Bridge Control Point Alpha
  • Defeat the guards defending Bridge Control Point Beta
  • Defeat the guards defending Bridge Control Point Gamma
  • Defeat the guards defending Bridge Control Point Delta
  • Witness Casimar and Isabella's reunion


I hope you are prepared to command, [%NAME]. It is time! We must attack the bridge and give Casimar enough time to make it through. We may fall this day, but thank you for all you've done for us both. You will never be forgotten. Now, sound the attack!

Upon completion

That was close - I wasn't certain I opened the gate in time. Still, the plan worked and the tower is open to us! I have you to thank for it, [%NAME]. You made it to the Armory and aided my Isabella in storming the gates. Thank you for keeping her safe.