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Retaking the Palace

Level : 59

Zone : Kingsward

Start : Princess Isabella

End : Princess Isabella

Choose one of these rewards :
 Kilt of the Haubrek
 Prophet Haurbauk's Robe
 Vlade's Flayed Tunic
 Palace Defender Breastplate

Notoriety :
+735 Eternal City Survivors

Money : 85 5

XP : 100009

Retaking the Palace

Follow the squads in the Palace interior and aid them in capturing strategic points.
  • Guard militia while they recapture the south wing banner.
  • Guard militia while they recapture the west wing banner.
  • Guard militia while they recapture the north wing banner.


We have our foot in the door... now we must stake out a foothold here. Our troops are trying to secure the area. Salvarola's forces are very strong, however, and the men are quickly overwhelmed. If you accompanied them and used your considerable skill, they could gain ground and do their work. We're so close; let's make certain we don't lose the battle.

Upon completion

We've secured the area; now only Salvarola remains.

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