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Touched by the Past

Level : 60

Zone : Ashora

Start : Mravvet

End : Shepherd Halkilk

Notoriety :
+75 The Qaijiri

Money : 26 3

XP : 10530

Touched by the Past

Return to Shepherd Halkilk at Nurjak Vostra and tell him about your encounter with Crucia in the Tomb of the Consort.


This is troubling news. If Crucia gave Salvarola his power, she must have a plan that we cannot fully see yet. You must go to Shepherd Halkilk at Nurjak Vostra, and tell him what you've learned.

Upon completion

Why would Crucia want Salvarola to bring down the Great Barrier Wall and destroy the Eternal City? Was it simply revenge on the people that refused to worship her? Or is it part of a greater plan? I just hope we can understand before it is too late.

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