Crucia is searching for a vast, untapped energy resource. What better resource than an entire Plane? It is all so clear now. Crucia intends to invade the Plane of Water and conquer the nightmares within.
I cannot imagine a more terrifying scenario than a monster like Crucia with power over both minds and nightmares. Her army would be literally infinite, spawning new nightmares in the minds of each Telaran she subjugated.
The battle lines are drawn. It is up to you to stop her, Ascended. I fear we are already too late.
Upon completion
You have done it! Crucia's bloodcurdling scream echoed across Telara, bringing a smile to everyone who heard it. I will not be ready to declare Queen Miela avenged until I have my hands around Crucia's throat, but that scream will tide me over until that day.
Thank you, Ascended. We are in your debt yet again.