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Proscribed Technologies

Level : 31

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Dame Levitia Volya

End : Dame Levitia Volya

Notoriety :
+400 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : 13 35

XP : 3150

Proscribed Technologies

Dame Levitia Volya wants you to use an Explosive Keg to blow up any of the Ethian artifacts you come across in Granitewood Haunt.


Marshal Kain has heard that the Aelfwar are finding old Eth machines around here. If the Defiants get wind of this, they'll come running like rats to the crumbs. We need to get rid of those artifacts first! These Explosive Kegs should do the trick - just don't blow your fingers off!

Upon completion

Hah! Those Explosive Kegs are great, aren't they? Now that you've destroyed those Ethian artifacts, the Defiants will have to look elsewhere for their blasphemous toys.

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