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Search for the Cure

Level : 24

Zone : Stonefield

Start : Joyce Daley

End : Joyce Daley

Choose one of these rewards :
 Ghostly Mantle
 Lost Pauldrons
 Vicious Vipers' Shoulderpads
 Titan's Spaulders

Notoriety :
+400 Granite Falls

Money : 11 43

XP : 3360

Search for the Cure

A sickness is spreading among the townspeople of Granite Falls. Help Joyce Daley determine the source of the illness and find a cure.


I am grateful that you have shown an interest in aiding us. I could certainly use the help. Between the rifts and outbreaks of undead, I suppose it's not surprising that people are getting sick. But we better find a cure, or we're all in trouble. I need some blood samples from the Ailing Citizens - up for a little lab work?

Upon completion

It may seem like a small thing you've done by collecting the Sourcestone Dust, but you've saved some lives today! I've prepared the rest of the ingredients and am ready to make the cleansing elixir. Just give me a moment to prepare it.

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