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Against the Odds

Level : 44

Zone : The Fall of Lantern Hook

Start : Callon

End : Callon

Choose one of these rewards :
 Blood Mail Vambraces
 Source Dust Gloves
 Shadow Hide Bracers
 Ebon Steel Gauntlets

Notoriety :
+750 Arcane Hand

Money : 39 92

XP : 8640

Against the Odds

Callon asks that you use the Ethian Orbs scattered throughout The Fall of Lantern Hook.
  • Use the Ethian Orbs


Centuries ago, when I was stuck in that oil lamp, I spent a fair amount of time in Lantern Hook's bazaar when it was an Eth outpost. In times of trouble, powerful devices would arise and give strength to its defenders. So it's not surprising that since its about to fall, these defenses have reactivated. Please, [%NAME], use these devices to help you beat the odds.

Upon completion

If I could grant my own wishes, I'd certainly wish to have your abilities, [%NAME]. Though I do not envy the trials you are about to face.

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