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Now Where Is Regula?

Notoriety :
+50 Icewatch

Money : 11 3

XP : 2340

Now Where Is Regula?

Tell the Lord-Protector of the Icewatch in The Chancel of Labors about your suspicions regarding Scribe Regula and hand him the Coded Missive you found in the library.


The book you're seeking is a favorite of Scribe Regula. In fact, he reads it so often, I imagine he's memorized it by now! At any rate, if you are having trouble locating that volume, seek out Regula. Find him, and you'll probably find your book.

Upon completion

It sounds like you found our man, but this makes the foul news I have just received much more vexing...

zsazsa - 11 years ago
this is part of breadcrum quest line

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