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Teaching the Lesson

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

End : Raj Tahleed

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Void Stone

Notoriety :
+2500 Students of the Vale

Money : 50 40

XP : 10080

Teaching the Lesson

Put and end to the reign of Marquess Valone in the Stillmoor rift Growth of the Aelfwar.


Marquess Valone has been ammassing a great deal of power over the court of the Aelfwar, and means to bolster his hold by using forces from the Plane of Life. As he tries to instruct his heir, Earl Aelorwin, he has made himself vulnerable to attack. Now is our chance to end his reign and seal the Growth of the Aelfwar rift!

Upon completion

You have brought the line of Valone to an end and crushed his forces. Your group is truly mighty. Here, take this sourcestone for your reward.

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