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The Pariah

Level : 5

Zone : Mathosia

Start : Cyril Kalmar

End : Messenger of the Vigil


The Pariah

Cyril Kalmar wants you to pray to Thedeor to gain access to Ascendant Hall. Once there, dismantle his machines, chase Orphiel away from Ascendant Hall, and then speak with the Messenger of the Vigil at Ascendant Hall.
  • Use the Shrine of Thedeor
  • disable device
  • kill construct
  • chase orphiel


You are strong, [%NAME], but a great challenge awaits. Orphiel is deploying foul devices at Ascendant Hall to replicate the Vigil's power. Offer prayer to Thedeor so that the gods' messenger may send you to Ascendant Hall. Once there, dismantle Orphiel's machines and expel the coward from our holy site.

Upon completion

You have done all the gods have asked. Now they ask for so much more. You must be prepared to give your life to push Regulos back through the Ward.