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Trial by Wombat

Level : 65

Zone : Planetouched Wilds

Start : Uureg

End : Uureg

Choose one of these rewards :
 Far Walker Gloves
 Far Walker Kote
 Far Walker Wraps
 Far Walker Gauntlets

Notoriety :
+200 Shal Korva

Money : 1 56 69

XP : 412335

Trial by Wombat

Uureg wants you to help Khar and Usukhel conduct the trial of Teth Dalchid, and convict the Great Wheel for his crimes.
  • Discuss the trial with Khar and Usukhel
  • Escort Teth to the Trial
  • Help Usukhel prosecute Teth Dalchid
  • Go to the Fighting Ring
  • Defeat Teth Grogo


Great One! There is to be a trial! There has never been a trial before. I do not exaggerate. I've asked the Titan to sit in judgment over petty thieves, vicious murderers and hardened criminals many times. Each time he said he was too busy, and went carousing instead of dispensing justice. Now he wants to try the Great Wheel for his crimes? Great One help us! This trial must not fail.

Upon completion

I think I may have fainted there for a second when Khar announced a mistrial. But you handled it well, what you did with that smelly beast made the trial work out. And then after the mistrial you fought that wombat to victory. I think this counts as a victory. Thank you, Great One.

MarshallB - 9 years ago
Has anyone gotten this to work? I can't figure out how to "Help Usukhel prosecute Teth Dalchid 0/3." I lash him to the post and then they all proceed to chat for many minutes and then start repeating. Nothing else in the area is actionable. There is no one to chat with. Teth is a green target, so I cannot attack him. I've tried "/persecute." but am told that is not a valid command. I've spent a half hour listening to them chat. Boring! Update: I finally noticed that there was a new action bar that showed up. CLicking on the buttons gets things going. /sigh

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