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Ready, Aim, Fire

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

End : Dragomir Rakovic

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

Notoriety :
+700 Order of Mathos

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Ready, Aim, Fire

Use the Smoke Targets on Mathosian Commanders in Death's Approach, so hidden archers can wipe out their squads, then kill the Mathosian Commanders who are immune to the arrows.


We've had people disarming mines in Death's Approach, so our archer team can infiltrate the battlefield. Use these Smoke Targets to mark Mathosian Commanders and their squads for our hidden archers. The Commanders are well armored, so you'll have to finish them by hand.

Upon completion

Some of those Mathosian Commanders were once members of the Order of Mathos. When things grew desperate, they gave in and joined the enemy. I hope they died painfully.

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